We've launched on ProductHunt

Quick access to your favorite AI commands

Experience ChatGPT across all websites.
Write smarter, code faster and ask questions quicker.
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Run AI commands on any website

Select text, run an AI command, get the result


Beamcast got you covered

Built-in commands

A curated list of practical AI commands to boost your productivity
Built-in commands

Cloud sync

Your commands are securely stored on our server and will be synced to any browser where you have installed our extension

Run custom prompt

Besides running saved commands, you can also input any custom prompt on the fly
Run custom prompt

Powered by OpenAI & Gemini

Use state-of-the-art AI models to run your commands
Powered by OpenAI & Gemini


Get started free, no credit card required
$0 forever
Use your own key or credits
50 free credits
Access to all models
10 custom AI commands
$24/year$36Save 33%!
Use your own key or credits
2000 credits every month
Access to all models
Unlimited custom AI commands
Priority support

Download Extension

Beamcast is seamlessly integrated in your browsers


All you need to know about Beamcast